RYA Team GBR sign up Hart and Simon for 2010 Rolex Commodores’ Cup Assault

RYA Team GBR has signed up Mike Hart and Chris Simon to fill the roles of Head Coach and Rules Advisor for the team who are set to send four British crews, Team GBR Red, Blue, White and Black, to the 2010 Rolex Commodores’ Cup in August.

RYA Team GBR keen to defend their title

RYA Team GBR keen to defend their title

Bringing a wealth of coaching experience and knowledge to the team accrued in his role as RYA Coaching Development Officer, Hart is an ideal choice for the team offering the skills and know-how to ensure the four crews are working and performing to their absolute optimum.

One of the most experienced International Judges and Umpires in the World, Simon too offers an invaluable source of expert advice. Understanding the intricacies surrounding the rules of competition is paramount to succeeding and with one of the world’s best specialist in the field at their finger tips, coupled with Hart’s top coaching input Team GBR will be wholly equipped and fully prepared to mount their assault on the 2010 cup and retain their title.

RYA Racing Manager John Derbyshire comments: “We’re delighted to have Mike and Chris on board with us. The Rolex Commodores’ Cup is one of the most prestigious events on the yachting calendar and after having won it last year we’re expecting some tough competition between us and retaining the title.

“Mike is a fantastic coach and we are really lucky to have Chris as our rules advisor. We saw last time that rules advice can make the difference and having someone to make sure our team boats know what’s going on means the crews can concentrate on their preparations rather than watching notice boards. Mike is great at recognising what needs to be done and getting it done and together the two of them I’m sure will make a real difference and greatly improve our chances of retaining the Cup,” he concluded.

A tough mix of inshore and offshore racing, the biennial Rolex Commodores’ Cup is an intense seven-day racing programme for IRC (endorsed) rated yachts that will take place on the testing waters in and around the Solent from Saturday 15 August to Saturday 21 August 2010.

RYA Team GBR will enter four teams in the event named Team GBR Red, Blue, White and Black, with each team comprising one boat in three specified IRC class Rating bands.

The three class band are:

Class 3 – 1.025 – 1.074 (Displacement Length Ratio (DLR) not exceeding 215)

Class 2 – 1.075 – 1.119 (DLR not exceeding 200)

Class 1 – 1.110 – 1.230 (DLR not exceeding 200)

The RYA, along with Hart and Simon, will work closely with the selected teams in the run up to the event to meet their needs in preparing the crews and their boats for what is always a grueling but thrilling event.